Modeling, simulation and optimization have become widely established in industry and research for the detailed understanding, development and optimization of modern components, systems, plants and processes. With an interdisciplinary team of more than 40 experts in the field of modeling and simulation, we cover a comprehensive spectrum of tasks and areas of application. To this end, we employ and develop state-of-the-art methods, technologies and tools, ranging from multi-physics simulation to data-based and hybrid models supported by machine learning, closely linked to validation via modern measurement technology and experiments.


From classical structural mechanics over (vibro-)acoustics, rotor dynamics, flexible multi-body systems, to material modeling, forming technology and thermomechanics – our competencies and experience cover a broad spectrum of the static and dynamic analysis of mechanical systems.


In addition to classical CFD simulation for gas and liquid flows, the modeling of hydraulic systems, as well as thermal analysis (heat transfer, heat conduction), an important focus is on particle simulation and coupled problems such as thermo-fluid dynamics, particle-structure and fluid-structure interaction.


Our portfolio covers a broad spectrum of applications with a focus on electric drives and magnetic bearings, and ranges from various electromagnetic effects and processes to field simulation, electronics and circuit simulation.


The combination of different physical domains (“multi-physics”), such as fluid-structure interaction, or the coupling of piezoelectric, mechanical, and thermal properties, is becoming increasingly important in the field of modeling and simulation. Mechatronic simulation, in particular, requires a system view of mechanics, drives, control, and software components, all the way from the virtual prototype to the digital twin.


Our comprehensive experience and competencies in the field of multi-objective optimization (see, in particular, the LCM software platform SyMSpace), automated parameter studies, parameter identification, as well as sensitivity analyses form a fundamental component in modeling and simulation projects.


The comparison between simulation and reality and the calibration of simulation models are decisive factors to ensure the applicability of simulation models and results in practice. Supported by state-of-the-art measurement technology and experimental methods, we are looking back on many years of experience in validation together with our customers and partners.


Our broad spectrum of competence and tasks requires a correspondingly broad range of tools. We rely on the combination of state-of-the-art commercial software packages with the development of our own simulation methods and tools as well as free software tools.

SolidWorks | ProEngineer | PTC Creo | ANSYS | Abaqus | Altair | SyMSpace | HOTINT | LIGGGTHS | NGSolve | OpenFOAM | FEMM | MATLAB Simulink | Mathematica | Python | C/C++ | TensorFlow … more tools.


Transfer of knowledge

Our technology experts share their knowledge and experience with you.

We offer a wide range of possibilities in the field of modeling and simulation to build up competences, for consulting on the best solution strategy, or an overview of the current state of the art and future trends – from presentations and webinars to training courses and workshops, flexible and tailored to your needs.


We support your research and development department.

We support you with resource bottlenecks, develop solution strategies together and take on tasks in the implementation. Depending on your needs, our services range from carrying out analyses using existing simulation models, the creation and transfer of models in given simulation environments, the extension and development of numerical methods and tools, to the execution of complete simulation projects.


Optimal solutions for existing systems and new challenges.

We can provide optimal solutions for the improvement of already existing products, machines, or processes, as well as the optimal design for new developments. Our portfolio includes optimal design, automated parameter studies, as well as the identification of unknown parameters. For this purpose we can integrate different (possibly already existing) models and simulation tools and consider several physical domains (multi-physics) simultaneously.

Modeling and Simulation

Tailor-made solutions and services in modeling, simulation, and optimization.

Based on our years of experience in modeling and simulation – all the way from numerical methods and tools to the application – we offer a comprehensive range of services. Whether it is the set-up of parameterized simulation models, the tailor-made development and extension of methods and simulation tools (including free / open source software), the implementation of interfaces and the coupling or integration of (existing) simulation models and tools – we are the ideal partner to cover the whole range from individual support to the complete execution of simulation projects, even for challenges that go beyond the state of the art or the available functionality in existing software tools.

LCM Software Tools

We develop our own software tools that enable us to create efficient solutions for complex problems using state-of-the-art methods.



LCM is Top Employer 2024!

LCM is Top Employer 2024!

We are proud to announce that LCM has once again been recognized as one of Austria's leading employers! This prestigious award is only given to the top 1% of companies in our country and is based on a comprehensive assessment of various criteria such as employee...

Workshop on Digital Fluid Power 2024

Workshop on Digital Fluid Power 2024

Experience the latest research results, fruitful discussions and an inspiring exchange of experiences in the field of digital fluid power at the Workshop on Digital Fluid Power in Tampere from June 6 to 7! This workshop is being organized for the 12th time this year...

Your Contact Person

Dipl.-Ing., Dr. Markus Schörgenhumer, BSc

Business Area Manager Mechanics & Control

+43 732 2468 6129

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