The circular economy requires new perspectives on business scenarios and systemic changes for their implementation. Our expert for transformation and strategic corporate development Dr. Johannes Klinglmayr shared his experiences with the circular economy in his...
Sep 18, 2024 | Digitization, Emerging Technologies, General@en, lcm in business | business models, News@en, Transformation
Together with the Ars Electronica Futurelab, the LCM held a mechathon at this year’s Ars Electronica Festival on the topics of energy transition, circular economy and sustainability – based on the principle of social brainstorming. As part of the...
Sep 9, 2024 | Digitization, Emerging Technologies, General@en, lcm in business | business models, Transformation
The project “Pixel Twins – integrating Earth’s surface into the internet of things” aimed at defining small fragments of the earth’s surface (“pixels”) and integrating different data sources. Earth observation (EO) data provided by ESA is combined with data from local...
Oct 13, 2023 | Digitization, General@en, IIoT, National and international research projects, research, sensing systems
DIH² is a pan-European network of Digital Innovation Hubs for agile robotics. Our colleague Bernhard Uhl used the short-term mobility program of this network to commission, calibrate and test an indoor localization system for human-robot interaction at the Instituto...
Jun 29, 2023 | assistance systems, Digitization, General@en, Human Resources
Under LCM’s leadership, LCM, AISEMO, TCKT and five injection moulding companies cooperated in the cluster project “ReGuMa” to reduce machine downtime in injection moulding. Wireless sensors record the vibrations of the machines. The evaluation of...
Jan 19, 2023 | cost reduction, Digitization, General@en, IIoT, Industry 4.0, networked, digital systems, predictive analytics, research, sensing systems, smart factory
Electromobility is also advancing massively in Asia. Significant growth is expected, especially in the motorcycle segment. The use of optimized drive systems is essential in order to actually achieve the desired goals such as high range, small installation space, low...
Oct 6, 2022 | Control Engineering Virtual Comissioning, development and new product development, Digitization, e-mobility, electrical drives, General@en, Optimization, Simulation-EN