SCOTT – Secure Connected Trustable Things

SCOTT – Secure Connected Trustable Things

Objectives The acceptance of the Internet of Things (IoT) idea goes hand in hand with the level of security and privacy. In SCOTT 57 industrial and research partners over multiple domains (automative, aeronautics, rail, building&home, health) work on the trust in...

(Ultra) Sound Interfaces and Low Energy iNtegrated SEnsors – SILENSE

(Ultra) Sound Interfaces and Low Energy iNtegrated SEnsors – SILENSE

Objectives The SILENSE consortium researches acoustic technologies and develops concepts to activate and control devices by gesture, data communication, and indoor positioning, exclusively based on these innovative technologies. These concepts can be used in different...

Collision Avoidance System for Underground Mining (FEATureFACE)

Collision Avoidance System for Underground Mining (FEATureFACE)

22 % of all mining accidents in the US are caused by limited visibility. This is according to studies by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). There are also further potential dangers. For example, different tasks require the full attention of machine...