The internet-of-things (IoT) represents the increasing digitalization and cross-linkage of the world. Applying methods of artificial intelligence for its effective exploitation is summarized under the term Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT).

The question remains, “Can an AIoT system be trusted?”

The 2nd Workshop on Wireless Intelligent Secure Trustable Things at the ETFA 2022 conference (Int. Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation) is dedicated to the topic “AIoT – bringing AI and IoT together”. The central issue is what is probably the most important problem to be solved, trust in the secure, save, dependable and explainable operation of AIoT.

Our colleague Dr. Leander Hörmann is a member of the technical program committee for this workshop.

Submissions to the workshop are possible until May 13th, 2022.

Please, find the call for papers here.

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