The focus of the symposium 4SMARTS from 22nd to 23rd May 2019 was the interdisciplinary field of active, intelligent and adaptive – in short: smart – structures and systems. With numerous contributions from research and application, the symposium covers all relevant fields of technology: from materials to the design of components and the integration of functions to the reliability of complex systems. In addition to the classic areas of application of active vibration, sound and shape control, the symposium will highlight further innovative applications. One focus of the symposium was on new actuators / sensors, condition monitoring and energy harvesting / autonomous systems. The symposium was rounded off with an evening event at the Fraunhofer Institute LBF.

The Linz Center of Mechatronics was represented at 4SMARTS with 3 lectures:

  • Dipl.-Ing. Lukas Grasböck: Wireless sensor networks and energy harvesting for energy autonomous smart structures
  • Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Reininger: Simulation-based optimal design of a multi-layer circular piezoelectric actuator
  • Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Reischl: Benchmarking Workshop on (active) vibration damping

As member of the advisory board Dr. Manfred Nader was actively involved in the organization of the symposium.

We are very pleased, that the work of Lukas Grasböck was awarded within the framework of the “Best Paper Award”. Congratulations!

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