AWARD – All Weather Autonomous Real logistics operations and Demonstrations
Currently, truck-based logistics faces three major drawbacks: A high number of accidents of which 90% are due to driver failures, under-utilization of freight transport capacity (below 50%) and an increasing truck driver shortage (2019: 60.000 in D according to Wikipedia).
The AWARD project (Budget € 26 Mio., 29 partners from 12 countries) aims at developing and operating save autonomous transportation systems in a wide range of real-life logistic use cases, and in a variety of different scenarios, especially regading weather conditions.
Within the AWARD project, LCM supports the pilot studies by integrating and testing UWB localization in indoor, outdoor and indoor/outdoor hand-over situations.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006817.