LCM not only maintains excellent customer loyalty, but also a sustainably successful employee retention. Thanks to the great flexibility offered to employees, they can react immediately to different phases in their lives and avoid being permanently overworked. At the same time, individual competencies are retained.
Basis dafür sind ein Gleitzeitmodell, individuelle Teilzeitmodelle und ein Sabbaticalmodell. Darüber hinaus können alle Mitarbeiter:innen 50 Prozent im Homeoffice arbeiten. Lauftraining, Morgenyoga und Resilienztraining runden die Angebote ab.
The basis for this is a flexitime model, individual part-time models and a sabbatical model. In addition, all employees can work 50 percent from home. Running training, morning yoga and resilience training round out the offerings.
HRbert – Award for Innovative and Sustainable Human Resources Management in Upper Austria