Dynamic measurements during crusher machine operation

From the measurement concept to measurement on the construction site

Among other things, RubbleMaster manufactures mobile crushing plants to break up and separate construction waste into its components, for example, so that they can then be reused as valuable raw materials in the construction process.

In order to improve and validate the in-house calculation models, it was necessary to record the loads on the system using high-quality measurement technology.

LCM was able to implement this measurement task quickly and proved that we do not shy away from harsh measurement environments.



  • Recording of measurement data in real operation of mobile crushing plant at max. load
  • Measurements on rotating components
  • Synchronous measurement of torsion, bending, accelerations and electrical currents
  • Handover of all measurement data for further processing by the customer
  • Minimum disruption to production processes, cost-effective and fast



  • Preparation of measurement plan and research for suitable measuring devices
  • Procurement of sensors and data loggers
  • Development of a radio trigger and manufacturing of electronic supply, enclosures and mounts
  • Application of the sensors and test measurements at LCM and customer in production coordinated with production processes
  • Measurements on site
  • Data processing and handover

Your Contact Person

Dipl.-Ing., Dr. Markus Schörgenhumer, BSc

Business Area Manager Mechanics & Control

+43 732 2468 6129

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