Our expert for electric drives Hubert Mitterhofer gave a lecture on alternative drives in mobility at the very well attended congress of the electromobility club EMC and the JKU “CLIMATE / MOBILITY / ENERGY”.

The experience gained from two decades of engine design and optimization brings the certainty: The future belongs to the electric drive, because the crucial point is the system efficiency. In a battery electric car 70-80% of the energy ends up on the road, while in an eFuel combustion engine only 12-15% arrives and the lion’s share is lost as conversion losses.

In the future, LCM’s know-how for the simulation of electric drives will also include aspects such as recycling and the reduction of rare earths. This is impressively demonstrated in other areas of mobility: The electrified Voith-Schneider propeller co-developed by Mitterhofer and his team saves 400,000 l of diesel per year or 960 million t of CO2 per ship.

Sustainable drives with LCM.

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