At the marathon of ideas at the IMAGINE16 conference in Innsbruck, Austria, the project ASSET together with Johannes Klinglmayr from Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH is awarded with a Silicon Valley Tour to the USA. The convincing project will dive in to the inspiring world of start-ups and radical innovation in Silicon Valley. A whole week of networking and inspiration will boost the ASSET project and its idea.

The project provides a product overview to consumers in the supermarket. While consumers are shopping, they obtain a comprehensive outline of how the projects match their individual attitude. In Spanish and Estonian supermarket chains, consumers can try the new functionality. “Our comprehensive and compact view on products will empower consumers and change consumerism”, proclaims Johannes Klinglmayr.

This is a fast and impressive take up of the young project ASSET. Awarded with considerable EU-funding in 2015, the ASSET project started operation in January 2016. The ” Instant Gratification for Collective Awareness and Sustainable Consumerism” project is made possible by a consortium of research institutions, retailers, consumer organizations, SMEs and universities in Spain, Germany, Austria, Estonia and Switzerland.


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