Linz, 24.11.2015: Employees of the Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH (LCM), scientists of the Institute for Strategic Management of the Johannes Kepler University and representatives of the companies Atos, Fronius, LineMetrics, Pöttinger and Rosenbauer met this week for the final workshop of the cross-company Open Foresight Project “Human-Time-Machine 2030” in the JKU Science Park. Results from several foresight workshops with these companies, 30 expert interviews, comprehensive research and an international Delphi study involving over 170 participants were presented in the form of an extraordinary journey through time.

“In a highly dynamic and complex world, addressing long-term, strategically relevant developments is a key factor for success,” says DI Gerald Schatz, managing director of the Center of Mechatronics, and Univ. Prof. Franz Strehl, chairperson of the Institute for Strategic Management, who were responsible for initiating this project together with their teams. “Our journey through time brought our outlook to the year 2030: Together with representatives from science and industry, we have anticipated visionary sector-specific developments in the area of human-machine interfaces, machine-to-machine communication and, above all, the resulting impact on future business models,” explains Schatz.


Complexity and effectiveness management for customers, simple and individual user interfaces, intelligent data use and the ability to cooperate are just some of the important challenges of the future. “Rising complexity together with a simultaneous increase in customer demands for a reduction in complexity will, for example, offer many opportunities for new business,” argues Schatz. “But new technological possibilities, increasing digitalisation and networking, a lack of resources and productivity targets of customers will be important drivers for the development of an entirely new business and service model.”

Picturecredits: Andreas Röbl; Text: Department of Strategic Management Johannes Kepler University/LCM

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